Dry skin is the classification of a skin type that doesn't produce enough essential oil. Dry skin tends to be more sensitive because the protective acid mantle and barrier function aren't as healthy as normal skin, because of the lack of needed lipids (good oils). The texture of dry skin can be rough and feel very tight and may appear to be thin. Dry skin is different, than dehydrated skin. Dehydrated skin lacks water. Dry skin lacks oil.
Skin balancing and cleansing that helps to pH balance skin and prepare the skin for better penetration of the product for the affected areas
Deep cleanse the skin by removing deep impurities and excess oil while refining skin texture.
Healing the external skin conditions and by aiding in the restoration of connective tissue.
Nourishing the skin’s uneven oily areas to improve skin texture.
Restructuring the external skin conditions and by aiding in the restoration of connective tissue.
Protect skin against harmful UV rays and fight the degeneration of elastin fibers and prevent pigmentation.
The Jean baré Skincare product range has a five-step journey that has been designed to focus on rejuvenating dull, dry and tired skin by combating dryness with antioxidant-rich emollient products for the affected areas while providing the needed agents to promote sebaceous oil production and restore the skin's protective barrier mantle.
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